50mm Summilux Serial Numbers
Posted By admin On 21/05/19. Leica Order No. 11113-black - 11100-black - 11114-chrom+black. LLC - 127. Production era - 1961-1991 2028001.
In retrospect it's hard to see which market Leica was going for. Wealthy Middle Eastern types opted for the rangefinders, because what was the R System? Working professionals put the numbers into their spreadsheets and decided against it. Amateurs generally couldn't afford it, besides which what was the R System? The R8 was replaced by the similar R9 in 2002; the long-awaited DMR digital module that turned the R8 and R9 into a digital SLR was an expensive flop; the R System itself was terminated in 2009, unnoticed and unmourned by the world at large. Yeah, you remember it.
But you and I are specks. I write about centuries and masses of people, the great sweep of history, not individuals and not today. Take everything that happened in the 20th century and drop the box on the floor and then pick it up and try to stuff the pieces back in; that is what people of the future will remember of the 20th century. Leica was founded in 1849 and has survived a period of human history that killed millions and obliterated empires, that saw the conquest of space and of the atom - and, as a consequence, the possible end of human civilisaton and all multi-cellular life on Earth. In Leica's time we realised that death is the end, that the stars are beyond us, that there are limits to our reach, and that without restraint we would kill ourselves and everything we wanted to keep. Variations of this image appear frequently throughout my blog. It's because I'm trying to demonstrate narrow depth of field, so I photograph something flat and see-through.
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Leica Lux ASPH 50/1.4.and compared to Zeiss ZM Sonnar 50mm f1.5 Leica Summilux ASPH 50mm f1.4, a photo by MatthewOsbornePhotography_ on Flickr. Here are a few examples with my most expensive Leica M mount lens, the Leica Summilux ASPH 50mm f1.4 ('Lux'). I bought a used Lux on eBay really to see if all. How to determine the production year of a Leica lens based on the serial number. Leica Rumors. New Leica Summilux-M 90mm f/1.5 Asph lens coming at Photokina in.
50mm Summilux Vs 50mm Summicron
Hence all the images of bicycles propped up against lamposts, stickers on glass etc. In 2012 the next logical step would have been for me to write about the 50mm f/1.4 Summilux, but I was never particularly impressed with its performance.
Quoth me, then: Word on the street has it that the lens is soft wide open, and it is. Dramatically steps up at f/2.8. Kumpulan game pc terbaru.
Leica launched the R8 alongside the E55's replacement, the apparently superb E60, which is very expensive and popular with Canon digital SLR videographers (for example). You've seen how the E55 performs on film throughout this post. Lovely smooth bokeh, characteristic moon-shaped bokeh circles, slightly swirly as per the first photograph but not nauseatingly so.
And that bothered me, because it was downright unimpressive wide open. After debating whether this was normal or not I decided to bite the bullet and send the lens off to be serviced. In the UK this is difficult. Leica's official UK servicing centre retreated to Germany several years ago. The remaining choices are (a) a chap called Martin Taylor, who doesn't have a website or even an email address; you are supposed to telephone him and then send your lens to him, (b) another chap who has a website that doesn't work, and half a dozen email addresses that don't work, and you're supposed to telephone him and send your lens to him, (c) Red Dot Leica, who couldn't help. I always get worried that my naked body will appear reflected in the glass.
And so whenever I photograph something reflective I use a time delay exposure and hide behind a sheet of cardboard. Seriously chaps, its 2014. There's nothing charming or quirky about not having a website. It's like boasting that you don't know how to use a microwave oven, or that you can't make Windows 8.1 automatically log you in. It's not endearing any more. It was never endearing.
Leica 50mm Summilux Serial Numbers
I picture a fat bearded self-righteous man who will die convinced that he was a major player in the world, when in fact he was a monster to the few people who could not escape his influence, a nobody to everybody else. The kind of flip-flop wearing painters who paint awful nudes and are convinced that they are artists, because no-one has ever forced them to see sense. The deathfat who works in a machine shop and is an expert on global politics, but has never met anyone of genuine substance, and would be silent if he did. These people leave behind only scars. Writing about the R System is tricky, because the internet doesn't have much about it. As with the Contax RTS, Voigtl채nder VSL, Rolleiflex SL range - essentially the whole German 35mm SLR industry of the 1970s - the R System had some lovely lenses but sold in small quantities and was generally ignored by the popular press. Google Books' archive of Popular Photography and American Photographer is no help.
In the popular consciousness the Leica R was always overshadowed by the Leica M rangefinders, and as far as I can tell the R was never advertised by or associated with famous photographers or actors etc. The mixture of good central sharpness wide open, heavy vignetting, appealing bokeh and not unattractive soft bits pleases me; there's a lot of waffle on the internet about the magical Leica 3D glow, which I suspect is the result of a mixture of these things. By coincidence I happened to bump into some kind of carnival or other. One of those carnivals where you can't tell what they're so happy about, because everybody has joined in, and you wonder if they actually spend most of their time fighting each other in order to be rulers of the carnival. As I stood there photographing it with my full-frame digital SLR and a Leica 50mm Summilux I briefly contemplated the world's poor people. Now that we have robots, what are the poor people for? Some of the women are attractive, but what use are the men?
We have drones to do the fighting, robots to build the drones, Indian people to program the robots, middle class people to supervise the Indians. And when the Indians ask for too much money we will ask the Chinese to lease us some of their Africans. The same people - perhaps not the NUT, perhaps not literally the exact same people - but the same kind of people protested against the Iraq war, in greater numbers, eleven years ago. If they had stormed the Houses of Parliament the security forces present would have been hard-pressed to machine-gun 750,000 of them, although the front ranks would have been mown down. I can imagine them bursting into the chamber of the House of Commons, perhaps live on TV. Tony Blair would have held up his hand and said 'enough!' , and they would have stopped and filed out again to their houses which were appreciating at a rate of 12% a year.

It seems to me that if any Tories were watching this protest, their attitude would have been ' I don't care about these people; they're not going to vote for us anyway, so why bother listening to them?' Perhaps if they had paraded with banners that read CAMERON - WE LOVE YOU!
BUT SOME OF YOUR DECISIONS CONCERN US they might have got their wish. Pick out the most attractive protester and have her become David Cameron's mistress, and get her to subtly influence his decision-making process. Helena Bonham-Carter is attractive, I'm sure David Cameron would listen to her.
Or buy a hundred of those radio-controlled quadcopters and get them to drop bags of chilli powder onto the House of Commons. Then, when the politicians rush outside to dunk themselves in the Thames, rush into the House of Commons wearing protective gear, and just sit in the chairs and declare yourselves rulers of Britain. No doubt the army will try to intervene; that's your problem, I've done the hard stuff for you. It was the longest day of the year. Sysmac studio crack. Next stop: winter.