Buku Teks Sejarah Tingkatan 1 Pdf

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Sejarah tingkatan 1 bab pdf. Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran dan buku teks Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Bab 1 ) Berdasarkan tajuk di atas calon dikehendaki melaksanakan tugasan. Aug 10, 2015 - Sejarah Tingkatan 2: Bab6. BRITISH MENGEKSPLOIT EKONOMI 6.1. Di kawasan getah • Menggunakan buku dan sukatan pelajaran dari.

Buku Teks Sejarah Tingkatan 1 Pdf

1 Ulasan Buku Teks Sejarah Malaysia - Perspektif Sabah dan Sarawak Lampiran 5 KemSMS Sabah & Sarawak 2 Lampiran 5 Ulasan Buku Teks Sejarah Malaysia Perspektif Sabah dan Sarawak KemSMS Sabah & Sarawak Kesimpulan Liputan sejarah Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Sabah dan Sarawak tidak disampaikan dengan saksama dalam kandungan buku teks Sejarah Malaysia terkini. Fakta-fakta tidak memadai, tidak lengkap dan terdapat juga beberapa maklumat yang tidak tepat.

Dalam menjalankan kajian ini, cabaran utama ialah bagaimana mengulas kandungan buku teks tersebut dengan mengambil kira perspektif Sabah dan Sarawak sedangkan sebahagian besar perspektif Sabah dan Sarawak berasaskan pengaruh budaya yang wujud sebelum 'sejarah moden'; berbeza dengan format pembelajaran sejarah yang sedia ada masa kini. Buku teks Sejarah terkini menitikberatkan sejarah politik Malaysia.

Walau bagaimanapun, dalam konteks Malaysia, dengan masyarakat pelbagai budaya dan pelbagai kaum, tumpuan adalah kepada sejarah politik sahaja tanpa perhatian yang sama bagi sejarah sosial. Hal ini menyebabkan pelajar dan pembaca gagal untuk memahami wacana sebenar masa lampau Malaysia. Kajian sejarah yang lebih seimbang dapat dicapai dengan memberi perhatian kepada kajian etnologi selain sejarah politik. Satu contoh yang baik sebagai topik di bawah pembelajaran etnologi adalah dengan memperkenalkan sejarah padi dalam buku teks. Melalui sejarah padi dan beras, wacana tentang sejarah Malaysia dapat dikaji bermula dari pra-sejarah dan merangkumi budaya, tradisi, seni, kraf, muzik, kepercayaan, sejarah lisan, seni bina, pertanian, struktur sosial dalam negara, Asia dan seluruh dunia. Tumpuan terhadap Kesultanan Melayu Melaka sebagai titik rujukan untuk akar tamadun Malaysia gagal untuk mengambil kira sumbangan masyarakat Bumiputra Sabah dan Sarawak, serta peranan penting Orang Asli, orang Cina, orang India, orang kacukan Asia dan Eropah (Eurasian) dan kaum-kaum lain dalam sejarah Malaysia. Oleh itu, buku teks sejarah Malaysia terkini tidak mempaparkan sejarah sebenar negara Malaysia yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum, budaya dan sejarah sosial.

Buku teks Sejarah terkini tidak memberi pembaca pemahaman tentang cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi dalam pembangunan negara, kepentingan menanyakan soalan yang betul dan juga tidak menimbulkan perasaan ingin tahu pembaca. Cara sejarah disampaikan tidak mencerminkan latar belakang sosial Malaysia yang kompleks. Kegagalan untuk mengambil kira konteks dan latar belakang sejarah sosial yang sebenar menimbulkan kekeliruan dan merumitkan penyediaan dasar-dasar kerajaan dimana pengetahuan Sejarah memainkan peranan yang penting dalam penyediaan dasar-dasar tersebut.

Topik penubuhan Persekutuan Malaysia juga didapati berat sebelah terhadap Semenanjung Malaysia. Sumbangan oleh pemimpin Sabah dan Sarawak tidak diiktiraf. Proses rundingan antara pemimpin-pemimpin Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Sabah dan Sarawak yang amat penting dan Muka Surat 1/29 3 mencabarkan tidak diteliti dan dibincang dengan secukupnya. Hal ini memberi gambaran palsu kepada pembaca sehinggakan pembentukan sebuah negara-bangsa baru dianggap sesuatu yang mudah dan rundingan untuk membentuk Malaysia adalah senang. Memahami serta memberi gambaran sebenar mengenai proses rundingan ini adalah amat penting kerana proses rundingan ini berlarutan hingga kini. Implikasi rundingan juga masih dirasai sehingga sekarang di mana pihak-pihak yang terlibat ingin memastikan pengiktirafan, keseimbangan dan keharmonian negara terpelihara dan tidak terjejas.

Kebanyakkan isu yang lalu dan kini di Malaysia dan di tempat lain merupakan permintaan atau kaedah untuk mendapatkan pengiktirafan dan sebahagian besar isu politik didorong oleh keperluan untuk membela maruah dan untuk pengiktirafan. Tambahan pula, buku teks sejarah gagal menjadi pemangkin untuk pelajar dan pembaca lain membentuk soalan kritikal agar memahami kerumitan evolusi institusi sebuah negara.

Sejarah berperanan sebagai petunjuk penting untuk memahami arah pembangunan sesebuah negara. Kajian terperinci dan bermakna tentang tamadun-tamadun lain yang lalu dan majunya sesuatu negara tidak dimasukkan dalam kandungan buku teks. Kini, dunia sedang menuju ke arah dunia multipolar.

Kuasa dikongsi dengan negara lain dan kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa pemahaman terhadap globalisasi adalah penting kerana peranan syarikatsyarikat besar dan kerajaan semakin bertindih. Manakala fokus utama buku teks sejarah terkini adalah tamadun Islam. Ini adalah penting tetapi ia perlu diimbangi dengan pengetahuan mengenai tamadun sejarah dunia yang lain untuk memberi konteks serta menangani isu-isu kontemporari serta cabaran-cabaran yang bakal dihadapi oleh negara. Seperti kata-kata Seymour Martin Lipset, Those who only know one country know no country yang bermakna orang-orang yang hanya tahu tentang satu negara tidak tahu apa-apa negara.

Terdapat kecenderungan untuk menyampaikan sejarah seperti siri-siri cerita moral dalam buku teks sejarah terkini, mungkin untuk meningkatkan perpaduan kumpulan. Cara naratif yang disampaikan dalam buku teks tidak mendalam dan bergerak dalam satu arah.

Buku teks tersebut tidak menunjukkan cabaran dalam kehidupan manusia dan tidak menunjukkan terdapatnya tafsiran yang berbeza terhadap sesuatu peristiwa dalam sejarah. Buku teks sejarah tidak mendorong pemikiran kritikal mahupun analis, dan juga tidak memberi rangsangan untuk pembaca untuk menyoal fakta-fakta yang diberikan. Ini menunjukkan buku teks terkini gagal memenuhi dua tujuan utama dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran sejarah, iaitu perasaan ingin tahu dan pembentukan soalan yang bermakna. Format pembelajaran dan pengajaran sejarah dalam buku teks kini banyak mengikuti format atau perspektif Barat iaitu Sistem Kenegaraan (Nation-state System). Kebanyakkan masalah sama ada politik, kaum, agama, dll yang sedang dihadapi oleh Malaysia telah bertambah teruk akibat pengetahuan sejarah yang terhad dan terkongkong. Pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah yang berasaskan Sistem Tamadun (Civilisation System) turut diabaikan melainkan tumpuan terhadap Tamadun Islam.

Sebaliknya, tumpuan yang lebih komprehensif diperlukan. Pendekatan pembelajaran dan pengajaran sejarah terhadap Sistem Tamadun seperti sejarah penduduk pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak serta sejarah Orang Asli adalah penting.

Pengiktirafan kewujudan dua sistem yang berbeza ini sebagai sebahagian penting sejarah rasmi Malaysia dapat membantu membentuk identiti kolektif Malaysia yang sebenar. Lagipun, identiti kolektif Malaysia telah dan terus menjadi satu persoalaan yang hangat selama ini.

Dalam desakkan untuk mencapai 'kemerdekaan', pemimpin yang lalu telah gagal untuk memberi tumpuan terhadap pembentukan identiti rakyat Malaysia. Justeru itu, rakyat Malaysia masih keliru tentang makna Muka Surat 2/29 4 dan apa atau siapa sebenarnya anak Malaysia, maka timbulnya pertelingkahan mengenai siapa penduduk asal, isu Ketuanan Melayu, isu kaum India dan Cina sebagai pendatang, dan pengabaian hak-hak orang pribumi.

Selepas 48 tahun rakyat Malaysia masih bergelut dengan krisis identiti. Mengapakah ia penting untuk mengesahkan sejarah kita? Ia penting kerana dalam proses mengesahkan sejarah yang dipelajari, pelajar akan mendapati betapa pentingnya sesuatu dakwaan disokong dengan bukti yang kukuh. Adalah penting untuk pelajar mempelajari pembentukan pengetahuan (knowledge formation) serta asas kepada pembelajaran sejarah.

Kesemua ini perlu dan amat penting untuk penbentukan minda kritikal dan analitikal. Mengapakah kita perlu mengetahui sejarah? Kenapa sejarah sering terbabit dalam perbincangan kontemporari? Dalam ceramahnya bertajuk, History and the Enterprise of Knowledge (Sejarah dan Perusahaan Pengetahuan), Amartya Sen pernah berbincang tentang beberapa motivasi yang berbeza yang mempengaruhi minat orang awam terhadap sejarah.

Motivasi tersebut termasuk minat epistemik, sebab-sebab praktikal, dan penelitian identiti. Beliau mendefinasikan minat epismetik sebagai perasaan ingin tahu terhadap masa silam kita, perasaan ingin tahu terhadap sejarah, iaitu cara kita mengesahkan kebenaran terhadap suatu subjek tertentu.

Beliau menerangkan sebab-sebab praktikal sebagai hubungan sejarah dalam konteks politik dan pembentukan dasar-dasar. Apabila tindakan dan strategi masa kini dibentuk berdasarkan sejarah yang hanya menjurus kepada kumpulan-kumpulan tertentu, hal ini pasti akan menarik pembalasan hujah-hujah yang juga menggunakan sejarah untuk menyokong kedudukan mereka yang dipinggirkan.

Ini secara langsung akan melihatkan mereka yang terjejas oleh pertikaian itu terpaksa memihak kepada sesuatu identiti yang mungkin berasaskan sejarah atau pertingkaian masa lampau yang diwariskan tanpa permintaan mereka. Penelitian identiti pula ialah bagaimana sejarah mempengaruhi persepsi terhadap identiti kita masing-masing; di mana kita mendapat perasaan kekitaan (sense of belonging) serta mengenal diri kita sendiri dengan lebih baik, di mana kesetiaan dengan kumpulan-kumpulan identiti ini diperolehi berasaskan latarbelakang sejarah yang sama dan berkaitan. Dalam penelitian identiti Malaysia, perasaan kekitaan ini sukar dicapai memandangkan masyarakat kita terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum, agama, budaya-budaya dan tradisi yang berbeza. Latarbelakang sejarah yang berbeza merumitkan proses mencorak identiti dimana semua warganegara Malaysia dapat mencapai perasaan kekitaan ini. Oleh itu, adalah penting agar rakyat Malaysia menerima hakikat bahawa latar belakang sejarah masyarakat Malaysia adalah pelbagai dan berbeza. Namun demikian, semangat kekitaan masih boleh dicapai dan identiti sebenar Malaysia dapat dicorak berdasarkan masa dan konteks apabila Malaysia dibentuk iaitu pada 16 September Muka Surat 3/29 5 CONTENTS Page Summary 4-6 Textbooks reviewed 7 I. Background 8-9 II.

Introduction III. Review of Current History Textbooks a. Review of Textbooks Contents b. Theme of Current History Textbooks IV. Conclusions Sources of Reference Muka Surat 4/29 6 SUMMARY The purpose of this paper is to review the current KBSM based Malaysian secondary school History textbooks in the perspective of Sabah and Sarawak, and offer suggestions to the proposed KSSM curriculum which will be implemented in 2014 leading to History becoming a compulsory pass subject in SPM. History is important in that it is used to validate our identities and origins; it influences the country s development, and fosters a sense of belonging. This paper looks at the accuracy, balance, fairness of the contents of the textbooks, and also on practical issues in teaching and presentation format in the textbooks, with the hope that the study of history in Malaysian school in the future will be more reflective of Malaysia s multiracial, ethnic and religious background thus providing a more balanced discourse on Malaysia s history.

Biasness and what this means in the understanding of history and how this foster critical thinking has not been mentioned in the textbooks; and that the opinions and views of individuals are influenced by various factors including political affiliation, religious views, social class and others. Under Tingkatan 1 textbook, out of 70 sources cited only five sources specifically referred to Sarawak and four sources on Sabah; similar limited sources are reflected in Tingkatan 2, 3, 4 and 5 textbooks. In referring to the Curriculum, it failed to acknowledge that when teaching History the more varied the historical sources the richer the learning experience.


The analysis also found errors in referencing of sources thus raising doubts as to the veracity of the contents of the textbooks and efficacy of the research and editing process. This raises the question of how and why the sources were selected and not others, and the efficacy of the whole process of preparation and research for the textbooks contents. The contents and general context of the textbooks skew towards that of Peninsula Malaysia. The number of pages dedicated to Sabah (11.8%) and Sarawak (14.1%) is much lower compared to Peninsula Malaysia (60.7%). Despite Sabah and Sarawak being a treasure trove for ethnology studies, very little coverage (15 pages for Sarawak, 16 pages for Sabah out of 205 pages) has been made in the textbooks on this.

Ethnology explains the relationships between cultures, races, differences in mind, body and mode of living all of which are important knowledge to leaders as they deal with the affairs of the people and the country, and helps individuals to understand and respect others. Background of other races is hardly mentioned resulting in textbooks that lack depth, cross-cultural empathy and diversity that reflect the real history of Malaysia. The role of Chinese communities in the cultural transformation, social, economic, formalized level of political activities and development, which are historical antecedent to the present day political structure of Sarawak, is given minimal mention.

Inaccuracies such as origins of the names Sarawak and Sabah are found in the textbook. Prehistoric influence of Hindu and Buddhist in Borneo from 6 th Century onwards, supported by many archaeological discoveries as evidence of their presence have not been dealt with in the textbooks. Study of archaeology is crucial in order to extend the historical narrative before writings on Borneo became available. The contents on the formation of the Federation of Malaysia, in particular the role and contributions of Sabah and Sarawak are misleading, with no or little mention of the complexities, rushed and difficult negotiation process involving arguments about lengths of transitional periods, finance, taxation, extent of Federal control over Sabah and Sarawak, the 20 points and 18 points agreements which are still being negotiated to this day. Further, the textbooks failed to mention Muka Surat 5/29 7 that Sarawak gained its independence on 22 July 1963, whereas Sabah was on 31 August 1963, after which Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya and Singapore formed the Federation of Malaysia on 16 September It also failed to take the opportunity to use this part of Malaysia s history to demonstrate to students that so much of History is about interpretation, and to give example of other major historical controversies which will enable students to learn to construct their own opinions and arguments based on evidence thus fostering critical thinking.

There is a lack or minimal coverage on native customary land rights, effect of religion on tribal culture, non-codified law of natives, development of education in Sabah and Sarawak including the role of Christian missionary schools and Shi Shu Chinese education. The same basis i.e. Sultanate history is used in viewing Sabah and Sarawak s history and thus failed to take into consideration that for Sabah and Sarawak the societal structure are predominantly tribal and led by chieftains. Further, the textbooks failed to look into the effect of geography and locations on political and societal development. There is also no mention of the origin of the people of Sabah and Sarawak and their way of life. Many schools in Sabah and Sarawak, particularly in rural areas, are still without electricity. Frequent suggestions to refer to websites for further information in the textbooks fail to take into consideration access to technology in rural schools, thus further increasing the gap of learning potentials between rural and urban, rich and poor areas of Malaysia.

The main focus of Malaysia s historical background presented in the textbooks is that of Peninsula Malaysia starting from the Malay Sultanate era with emphasis on Malacca Sultanate and Islam. Sabah and Sarawak are presented almost as an annex to a main history of Malaysia and treated with perfunctory courtesy. The textbooks fail to raise curiosity.

History should encourage us to keep questioning and understand others. Being able to study our history and to question and ask for verification and to be free to write about and discuss our past good and not so good is part of what democracy is about, and act as check and balance when History is abused by others. A balance of State/Nation System and Civilization System to approach the study of History will enable the context to be identified so that a true picture of Malaysia s past can be presented. An example of civilization history is the study of rice and its influence on prehistoric background, culture, traditions, arts, crafts, music, beliefs, oral history, architecture, agriculture, social structure, locally and at the wider context of Asia and other parts of the world. By recognizing and acknowledging the many different historical background and peoples of Malaysia, and using these as our official history, this may help to finally form our collective identity which has been elusive even after 48 years since the birth of Malaysia. Muka Surat 6/29 8 TEXTBOOKS REVIEWED History Textbooks for Malaysian Secondary School 1.

Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah Sejarah Tingkatan 1 Buku Teks. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur, Ahmad Fawzi Bin Mohd. Fo ad Bin Sakdan, Azami Bin Man.

Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah Sejarah Tingkatan 2 Buku Teks. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Masariah Binti Mispari, Johara Binti Abdul Wahab, Ridzuan Bin Hasan. Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah Sejarah Tingkatan 3 Buku Teks. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Ramlah Binti Adam, Abdul Hakim Bin Samuri, Muslimin Bin Fadzil. Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah Sejarah Tingkatan 4 Buku Teks.

Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kuala Lumpur Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Bin Nik Abdul Rahman, Muhd. Yusof Bin Ibrahim, Muhammad Bukhari Bin Ahmad, Rosnanaini Binti Sulaiman. Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Menengah Sejarah Tingkatan 5 Buku Teks.

Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2004 Ramlah Bin Adam, Shakila Parween Binti Yacob, Abdul Hakim Bin Samuri, Muslimin Bin Fadzil. Muka Surat 7/29 9 I.

Background Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had made a unilateral announcement at the 61 st UMNO general assembly that by 2013, history will be a compulsory pass subject for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). The current syllabus under Secondary School Integrated Curriculum (KBSM) 1989 was implemented in The new History syllabus of the Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) will be implemented from 2014, starting with Form One. According to the Education Minister, the new History textbook syllabus will give more emphasis to aspects relating to the Federal Constitution and to inculcate better understanding of the country's formation, as well as to foster patriotism and national unity. A government panel has been appointed to undertake this exercise. A group of concerned citizens, academics, non-governmental organizations and parents of schoolgoing children have come together to propose an alternative history syllabus, one that will be factual, balanced and relevant. A national campaign called Kempen Sejarah Malaysia Sebenar (Campaign for a Truly Malaysian History) was launched on 15 May Their goal is for the government to implement a new syllabus which provides a liberal and progressive approach to the teaching of world and Malaysian history. The movement is also pressing for an honest and transparent review of the syllabus.

Some of the reports supporting this call for history syllabus reform include the joint report by the Centre of Malaysian Chinese Studies and Nanyang University Alumni Association. The joint report found that the KBSM History syllabus has altogether 465 pages on the Malays (80%), 16 pages on Chinese and eight pages on Indians. There are zero pages on the Orang Asli 1. Similarly, the Sarawak Teachers Union on 11 September 2011 in a statement 2 regarding the school history textbooks noted that the formation of Malaysia had not been put into the right perspective. It did not indicate clearly how Malaysia was formed; and that the present history about Malaysia is onesided with a focus on Tanah Melayu, with little considerations given to Sarawak and Sabah. Another concern raised by the campaign is that in Malaysian schools, the teaching of History is not geared towards enhancing deep learning but merely a form of rote memorization. The group is concern that the format of the KBSM History does not foster critical thinking.

The contents of the petition 3 by concern citizens calling for the review of history syllabus and textbooks in Malaysian schools and institutions are as follow: 1 CPI Writings. Reclaiming our truly Malaysian history. 19 May: The Sun Daily. Revision of M sian history should not be one-sided.

11 September CPI Announcement. Petition to reform history education: act now.

Sunday, 06 February:12 Muka Surat 8/29 10 We, concerned parents and citizens of Malaysia, note with great concern the following weaknesses and problems in the history syllabus and textbooks in our nation. They:- (a) (b) (c) are filled with many historical errors and half truths; fail to reflect fairly on the contribution of all communities in the development of the nation; are written from a narrow world perspective that fails to capture the wealth and diversity of all past and present civilizations and religions in the world and Malaysia. In view of the great impact the history textbooks have on the minds of our young children, we call upon our Government and the relevant authorities to undertake an immediate and comprehensive review and rewriting of the history syllabus and textbooks in schools and all other institutions of education in Malaysia.

We propose that this review and rewriting of the syllabus and textbooks be undertaken by a panel of qualified historians. They should be representative of all the major communities in the nation. The objective of the review should be to introduce a liberal and progressive history syllabus and textbooks. These should:- (1) equip our students with a broad and balanced perspective of the major civilizations and events in world history; (2) capture the wealth and diversity of all civilizations and religions; (3) accurately record historical facts from a diverse viewpoint; (4) give due and fair recognition to the contributions of all communities towards the historical development of the nation; (5) focus on historical facts and processes, instead of promoting any political or other agenda.

Muka Surat 9/29 11 II. INTRODUCTION History is used to understand ourselves and others. We call on it for validation of our identities and origins, we learn from it and it can act as a guidepost or a source of advice. Present day attitudes in politics and society are often strongly influenced by the reading or misreading of history. In Malaysia s contemporary politics, historical connections are often invoked to give context and to support the making of policies. This is also true in other countries.

The extent of the influence of history in a country s development and wellbeing is tremendous. For example, the massacres in Rwanda between Hutus and Tutsis, and the massacres in Yugoslavia between Serbs and Bosnians had a direct connection with tensions and grievances linked to past conflicts and/or disputation between one groups against the other. History also plays a big role in helping us to understand and construct our identities may it be individual, state or as a nation.

Our sense of identity is strongly influenced by our understanding of our past, of shared history with others which we think we belong and identify with; and our allegiances draw on this evocation of histories. History can therefore be a tool that is used to foster a sense of belonging, patriotism and national unity. Thus, in announcing the proposed revision of Malaysian school history syllabus to the Secondary School Standard Curriculum (KSSM) which will be implemented in 2014, and history subject s elevated status to a compulsory pass subject in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination, the Malaysian government recognizes the importance of history in inculcating better understanding of the country's formation, and to foster patriotism and national unity. The purpose of this paper is to review the current KBSM based Malaysian secondary school history textbooks in the perspective of Sabah and Sarawak. The paper begins by looking at the contents of the secondary school history textbooks with the following guidelines in mind: Accuracy of information Balanced, fair and unbiased treatment of various communities, groups, cultures, religions and civilizations Geographically balanced information, not focused on particular areas.

Fairly and comprehensively reflect Sabah and Sarawak s major historical developments, personalities and events in Malaysian history Practical issues such as whether the books are written in a clear and comprehensible manner; do the sidebar questions and other end-of-chapter exercises support the material presented in the narrative; and whether the pictorial, sidebar materials and examples are relevant, unbiased, and varied. This is then followed by findings as to the overall theme of the history textbooks such as what subjects are emphasized and what kinds of history are stressed. Muka Surat 10/29 12 As the particular emphasis of this paper is to include Sabah and Sarawak s perspectives, an attempt to offer a suggestion as to what constitute Sabah and Sarawak perspectives has also been included, as well as suggestions as to what ought to be included in the revised history syllabus with regard to Sabah and Sarawak. With the above it is hoped that the study of history in Malaysian school in the future will be more reflective of Malaysia s multiracial, ethnic and religious background thus providing a more balanced discourse on Malaysia s history.

Isi Kandungan Buku Teks Sejarah Tingkatan 1

Brief comments on the instructional activities that are present in the history textbooks have been done in passing in the section where textbooks contents were being reviewed. These include whether the instructional activities are varied, whether the activities help students to analyze the information and to think critically, and whether the students have opportunity to discuss or debate ideas presented in the textbooks will require a much thorough investigations and research involving students, educators and the creators of the history textbooks. Brief comments on the presentation format of the history textbooks have also been mentioned in the section where the textbooks contents were being reviewed. The lack of in depth analyses of the textbooks presentation format in this paper is not an indication of insignificance of textbooks presentation but like the instructional activities, it requires input from the history textbooks creators, educators and students.

Example of presentation format is where textbook contents are broken down into short and simple sentences this may result in the loss of narrative, which reduce history textbooks to picture books or activity books that lack depth and meaningful contents. REVIEW OF CURRENT HISTORY TEXTBOOKS a. Review of Textbooks Contents The Tingkatan 1 textbook begins with an 18-page overview on History which includes topics such as the importance of history and sources of History.

It briefly explains what actually historians do and the fundamental principles of understanding History. However, one pertinent item omitted from this introduction is the matter of biasness and what this means to understanding history; that in order to understand opinions on a particular event or historical sources the background must be investigated properly.

It is important for the students to understand that the opinions and views of individuals are influenced by a number of factorsj such as political affiliation, religious views, social class, and others, and that the same is true to the creators of the history textbooks. Being aware of this will foster critical thinking on the part of the students. Before students start learning about actual events, they should be equipped with the tools of a historian. The introduction in the Tingkatan 1 textbook is followed by background history of Tanah Melayu, Sarawak and Sabah including the peoples, cultures and economy.

Out of a total of 70 cited sources only five sources specifically referred to Sarawak (chapter 10) and four sources on Sabah (chapter 11). From these, the most recent source for Sarawak is dated 1981, and Sabah Muka Surat 11/29 13 The same limited sources are reflected in subsequent chapters on Sabah and Sarawak in Tingkatan 2, 3, 4 and 5 textbooks. Good histories take into account conflicting issues of an event, with good sources, and evidence. However, this is not true for the current Malaysian history textbooks with regards to coverage on Sabah and Sarawak due to the inadequate number of sources.

Table 1 below summarizes the number of sources used as reference for Sabah and Sarawak as stated in the source of references listed at the end of each textbook. Table 1 Number of Sources Specifically on Sabah & Sarawak in Malaysian School History Textbooks Textbook Title Sabah Sarawak Peninsula Malaysia & General Total for Textbook Year published of latest source Tingkatan Sabah:1985 Sarawak: 1981 Others: 2000 Tingkatan Note: Referencing of sources incomplete. Dates of publications of a few of the sources not stated. Tingkatan Sabah: 1976 Sarawak: 1997 Others:2003 Tingkatan Others: 2001 Tingkatan Sabah: 1985 Sarawak: 1976 Others: 2002 The year of publication for seven of the sources of reference for Tingkatan 2 textbook was not stated.

For example, Tingkatan 2 textbook page 224 states the reference as Joan Collins, Sarawak, Macmillan. A quick search on the internet yielded the year of publication as 1969 (2 nd edition) and the correct name of the author is Joan Rawlins and not Joan Collins. Again, this raises doubts as to the veracity of the contents of the history textbooks, and efficacy of the research and editing process in the creation of the textbooks in particular the Tingkatan 2 textbook. In order to find out if there exists a form of Terms of Reference for sources of materials for use in creating the history textbooks, the Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran Kurikulum Bersepadu Sekolah Muka Surat 12/29 14 Menengah: Sejarah, Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. April 2002 was referred to as part of the research for this paper. There were no such Terms of Reference found except for a brief comment on the types of sources that may be available and used such as artifact, drawings, writings etc.

The KBSM curriculum failed to acknowledge that when teaching History the more varied the historical sources the richer the learning experience; that sources can include eyewitness accounts, personal testimonies, music, diaries, letters not just from people in power but also sources from ordinary people which have particular resonance to the students and other readers. A varied source can show that history affects everybody, not just those in charge. For example, in the United Kingdom the diary of Anne Frank is often used to teach the Holocaust.

A more local example would be the heart wrenching final letter written by Rosli Dhoby to his family before his execution. This can be included as an example of a personal letter in the history textbooks and will most likely create resonance to the students since Rosli Dhoby was 17 years old when he was sentenced to death by the British. Also, giving students the opportunity to meet and question people who were actually involved in the events in history is particularly valuable. For example, a veteran who had fought during the Emergency could talk to students about his experience. Such interactions not only make history more meaningful but it helps build bridges between generations and make history real and relevant. For schools in the interior of Sarawak and Sabah where such an activity would be impractical, an activity kit which contains reproductions of diaries, personal stories, old newspapers articles, photographs and suggested classroom activities can be created which acts as an extension to the standard textbooks.

Nota Sejarah Tingkatan 1 Bab 4

This can be especially useful for schools that do not have access to the internet. An example of such educational pack is the Outreach Kit used in the UK for teaching History. Following from the above, this begs the question of how the sources in the present History textbooks were selected, why these sources were used and not others, and raises doubt as to the efficacy of the whole process of preparation and research for the content of Malaysia school history textbooks in particular history pertaining to Sabah and Sarawak. Glaring inaccuracies are found in the Form 3 textbook in particular Chapters 4 and 5 where Chapter 5 is entitled Kemerdekaan Negara 31 Ogos Similarly, on page 7 of the Form 1 History textbook it is stated 31 Ogos 1957 menandakan tamatnya era penjajahan di negara kita. The use of the term negara is inaccurate as our negara is Malaysia, and Malaysia was only formed on 16 September This inaccuracy is repeated throughout the textbook. Another item which can be deemed inaccurate is the use of the term bumiputera in page 178 and 182 of Tingkatan 3 textbook. The correct term should be bumiputra as per article 153 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia.

Sejarah Kssm Tingkatan 1

On the other hand, Bumiputera refers to Party Bumiputera Sarawak. 4 Tunku Abdul Rahman in a Parliamentary debate dated 28 April 1962 said: when the Borneo territories become part of Malaysia, they will cease to be a colony of Britain, and they will not be a colony of Malaya they will be partners of equal status (note: bold emphasis added to highlight). 4 Ross-Larson, Bruce. The Politics of Federalism- Syed Kechik in East Malaysia. Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles: Eszee Limited, 2009 Muka Surat 13/29 15 However, this equal status is not reflected in the teaching of history in Malaysian schools. Generally the contents and general context of all the history textbooks that are being reviewed skew towards that of Peninsula Malaysia. The number of pages dedicated to Sabah and Sarawak in the history textbooks is much lower compared to that of Peninsula Malaysia at 11.8% and 14.1% respectively, as compared to 60.7% on Peninsula Malaysia.